Oh wow, what a wonderful and thoughtful response to my text (and other related stimuli!). I’ve copied the questions down for further self-exploration. 🤔 I love too that you reminded me that these things are rarely black and white. There’s a ton of nuance and it’s imperative to check in with inner compass when navigating this terrain — because if left to outside voices we would go insane. Anyway, thanks for all of this food for thought. I really appreciate it and you!

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Thank you for such a provocative question, Mia... such a juicy topic. We ended up having a full Sangha Saturday on this theme today too. It touches us all in different ways. I appreciate you too :)

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Such good questions that many of us women grapple with. I love how you captured all of this in such a thoughtful, honest and inviting way. I’d love to explore more of this! Wisdom 3.0! 🙂

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Aw... thank you, Susie. It was hard to keep this one short, there's so much here... ❤️‍🩹

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Love it! Thank you

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