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I love that you took notes at this 8th grade graduation. It was wonderful to read these young people's words of wisdom. And they are so very young. (You are right...we never wore dresses as short as the dresses girls wear today. My eldest is now a young woman and it took a long time for me to adjust to the length of her dresses back to her school days!) I remember one of my college professors telling us that public speaking is one of the most common fears. You are not alone, Cecily! I know many people who dread it. As for myself, and I know I am in the minority here, I enjoy public speaking. Ever since I gave my first speech in Social Studies in 7th grade, I have loved it. It's just a part of who I am, I guess. Your words, "Discomfort often accompanies stepping out of any inauthenticity and into our truth. As we peel back our armor, we're more vulnerable, exposed. It is from this place where we can more deeply connect with others. And grow." Like everyone, I have my own discomforts and I make myself take the necessary steps to be comfortable with them. It's healthy and it brings it's own rewards. The one area I have never had a problem with myself, is simply being myself. I have never been afraid to be vulnerable and show myself for exactly who I am. I am the friend whose friends come to with their deepest secrets, fears, longings. Where I become frustratd is when I spend time alone with someone as they share their deepest feelings with me, and in seeing their vulnerability, I feel such a connection with them, only to then watch as they walk back into the world, putting their mask(s) back on. One of my wishes is that people could just be themselves. I know that we can't be completely open to everyone as we need to protect ourselves in this world. I also know that not everyone is comfortable being so open with others. I have also learned through the years that not everyone has the same honest intentions when I meet them, which I carry into a new meeting of another person. It took me a very long time to learn to restrain myself in this manner. It is still challenging to me. I don't have the energy nor time for phony people. And just as it takes some people a great deal of effort to open up and genuinely be themselves, it takes a great deal of effort for me to refrain from being so open. What is the most important to me is authenticity. Whether you are a very open person like I am or someone who is more reserved, I need authenticity in my friendships and relationships.

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