It's hard to believe all of the wasted hours - thinking about drinking, drinking, and recovering from drinking. I lost a lot of those hours with my kids, too. But, thankfully we quit! I got to teach my 16.5 year old to drive, too.... sober! Phew! I believe they will remember these things. My mom never got sober. I take these things as little wins. I really enjoyed this!

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment. Not to be too silver-lining-y... but I also have grown to appreciate that it's great for kids to see an adult on an unhealthy path, recognize it, make a decision to change, then change--with ownership throughout. My mom also never made changes and it was hard to see her go as she did.

Congratulations on your journey and thank you for supporting my ClearLife work ❤️

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Thank you for the mention, and for such a beautiful, powerful share, Cecily. Very timely (ha) for me, as I've been bringing a close eye and loads of practice to impatience lately. Years ago, a classmate said something like, "Don't wish your life away" when a few of us were wanting a particular stretch of schooling to be done. She was right. She was so right.

Oh, and you've clearly raised such a sweet boy! What a gift you're offering your kids.

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Thank you, Dana. This theme feels "up" for a lot of people in my life right now. Thank you for sharing and for all you do for this growing community of co-journeyers. ❤️

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