TGIF :: We have time to begin again.
#54 || In reverence to what we do with the moment of right now
Perhaps it’s snapshot shares—a few photos and texts, a quick call—from a dear friend visiting a loved one fighting an aggressive cancer—her reminders to notice the little things: ants marching in line, the sun crossing the sky… all as she rests, letting the strong medicine work its hoped-for magic.
Perhaps it was my own desire to slow down, let joy in, and be present as I prepared for three days with Wisdom 2.0 in San Francisco… bags packed, plants watered, kids’ gear moved, doors locked, all after a day filled with high stakes communications about accounts, the podcast, decisions for Wisdom Ventures Fund II, and my own health.
Perhaps it was the humbling realization that what I will share, am sharing, isn’t really mine, it’s coming through me. My role here is to be the clearest channel possible, opt for simplicity, and be present for as many moments as I can. A discipline, really.
Whatever it is, my view shifted from time scarcity—my current default—to time abundance, a fresh way of looking at things: We have time. Right now. It’s connected to The Seventh Awareness, but different. This is more about recognition than priorities, noticing than intentionality, presence than alignment.
And amidst it all, a dear friend (one of you) texted the following poem to a few of us. It stopped me in my tracks. Of course. We have time, even for the little things. Especially for the little things. I share it here with permission from the author, Jeannette Encinias.
Begin again.
Little moments.
Tending to the flowers.
Cutting the fruit.
Opening the curtains so that the entire sky can greet you.
It’s never easy but, no matter.
Steam from the tea so quiet.
An open book, and door, and arms.
You have time.
Time to create a life that you can stand up straight in. Even though life may beat you down. Hard. Even though things, situations, and people you love may be taken away from you so that your arms can memorize the grace of letting them go. Even then, especially then, begin again.
Remind yourself that nothing really dies, rather, it transforms. Everything and everyone you have ever loved lives in the mysterious memory of your cells. Turning. Healing. Renewing itself. Until one day, a photograph of something or someone very dear, long gone, visits your mind and you bow your head with appreciation.
Meanwhile, take your pain to the sea and your trouble to the mountain.
Leave it there and walk home clean.
When failure knocks and rattles and quakes, let it.
Watch it make a fresh canvas of you.
Failure, that great teacher, is kinder if you thank her as you are getting up off the floor. She knows something that you don’t know: that she is usually the last face you will see before breaking through. Such a little light in the crack of the door.
But today, if you are wading through the waters of loss or confusion: begin again.
Open the avocado.
Draw the bath.
Call your best friend.
Gather the books.
Play your favorite album.
Create art.
Open your arms. Move your legs. Lovely, little blessings. Whispering to life that you won’t give up. Not ever.”
-Jeannette Encinias
I’m going to leave it at that for this week.
Wishing you presence in these moments.
Love 💗
Be well.
Please consider supporting my Climate Ride… starting next weekend. Even $5 makes a difference! Details here. This is my living by The Third Awareness as my intuition gave me a very strong signal to honor my physical/athletic appetites almost immediately before the invitation to join arrived. 💪🏼
Sangha Saturdays… The next Zoom version will be May11th at 9am PT. If you’d like to join, please indicate your interest here and you’ll be added to the (anonymous) calendar invitations. 🎋
The Undimmed Podcast… is launching next Wednesday. We’ll release the already-recorded episodes weekly through June. I can’t wait to share my guests’ stories with you. So many tears of simply being moved as this one has come together. ❤️
Love the poem and can’t wait for the podcast to come out. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful reminder! Thank you for sharing. 🙏❤️